My Clients


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As a part-time consultant, I provide help to small and medium enterprises in various field of services: from the complex strategic planning, human resources development, and corporate negotiations, to the simple task of building a website and managing the email and mailing list.

The area of services is very flexible. This is in lieu of the formal consultancy infrastructure and support. Everything is delivered to the limit of the sole consultant in Baskoro.Com which is me :-)

That's why the service is labelled as "Serving You Individually". Maximum focus, achievable solutions and heavy personal involvement are several advantages offered.

Here's the list of clients:

1. Sandika Citra Cendekia, PT

2. Catur Elang Perkasa, PT

3. Intracotama Daya Perdana, PT

4. MES Internasional, PT

5. Ikatan Alumni ITS Surabaya

6. The Rotary Club of Senayan

7. Usaha Bengkel Donnie, PT

8. Blazer Indonesia Club..

9. Cendana Teknika Utama, PT.

And many more to come .....


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This site was last updated 08/21/08